Thickness Property


Returns or sets a Long specifying the thickness of the specified data series or surface in a three-dimensional chart. Read/write.


expression   Required. An expression that returns a ChSeries or a ChSurface object.


Use this property to set the thickness of a line in a 3-D Line chart or the thickness of the pie in a 3-D Pie chart.


This example converts the first chart in Chartspace1 to a 3-D Line chart and then sets the thickness for each line in the chart.

Sub SetLineThickness()

    Dim cht3DLine
    Dim serSeries

    ' Set a variable to the first chart in Chartspace1.
    Set cht3DLine = ChartSpace1.Charts(0)

    ' Change the chart to a 3D Line chart.
    cht3DLine.Type = chChartTypeLine3D

    ' Set the thickness of each line in the chart.
    For Each serSeries In cht3DLine.SeriesCollection
        serSeries.Thickness = 4
End Sub